TSN Server Sponsor - TeamSpeak 3
TeamSpeak Sponsoring Newcomer1989 deen

TeamSpeak3 Bot

Geschrieben von Newcomer1989 am 10.05.13 um 23:31 Uhr • Artikel lesen

All who get sponsored a TeamSpeak3 Server from us, have now a new possibility.

We also provide the JTS3ServerMod (more Information). What can you do with this? Here are only a few features, which can be activated:

  • move idle users to another channel and move back if they stop idle
  • move users to a specified channel if their client status is away; also toggle back
  • kick recording users
  • kick users with a bad nickname
  • send a welcome message to every connecting client
  • see the last online time of a client

You will find a new part "TS³ Bot" in our Webinterface to edit the configuration and start/stop your Bot.

If you forgot the link to our Webinterface or don't know what is to do, then ask a Supporter on our Public TeamSpeak.

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